Smiley Face Sticky Note Pack

Pricing Details

Production Time: 7 Working Days
250 $1.15 each
500 $1.10 each
1000 $1.05 each
2500 $1.00 each
5000 $0.95 each
  • Made from eco-friendly materials.
Our Smiley Face Eco Inspired Sticky Notebook is sure to make you happy. This item features a cardboard cover and includes one 3" x 3" yellow sticky pad and five assorted 20 page sticky note flags per color.

Normal Production Time
7 Working Days

Product Size
3 IN Wide X 3 IN Tall

Additional Information
Price Includes Color: 1 Color

Price Includes Location: 1 Location

Location1: Front Flap

Decoration Method: Pad Printed

Packaging: Bulk